40 years of professional service to New Mexico does not begin todescribe the commitment, compassion and integrity of Carlos D. Mieralongtime resident of Taos County. Carlos, a retired LicensedIndependent Social Worker, with a Master’s Degree in Policy, Planningand Administration has held several positions during his professionalcareer. Those positions included Executive Director of the Sangre deCristo Mental Health Services in Taos, Associate Director of TreatmentServices at Rio Grande Alcoholism Treatment Program, Director ofCommunity Development and Planning at Taos County, CEO at Tri-County Community Services and Senior Director of CYFD Services atOptumHealth New Mexico. He is a rancher farmer so he is an activevolunteer for the Des Montes Ditch Association where he is theSecretary, a position he has held for 20 years. He is also a veteran,having served in the U.S. Army from 1969 to 1972.Carlos has volunteered on the Board of Directors for Santa Maria ElMirador for over 8 years where he served as Vice Chair and Chair.During his tenure he supported the Governance and Leadership instabilizing the agency and establishing a Governance Team ofoutstanding professionals dedicated to serving the disabilitycommunity. Carlos retired from the board this month to spend moretime with his beloved wife Teresa, his children and grandchildren. Theagency will miss his leadership, integrity and knowledge along with hissense of humor. Santa Maria El Mirador was fortunate to have Carloslead our Governance and we remain a better organization because ofhis leadership. Thank you Carlos for all you have done for yourcommunity, for the disability community and for those less fortunate inNew Mexico. You will missed be and we are forever grateful.SMEM Board of Directors and Leadership